8 Things To Do Before And After A Tooth Extraction
With this in mind, you must prepare yourself for the procedure. It includes understanding what you need to do before and after your appointment. The healing process doesn’t only depend on a good dentist Woodvale; it also relies on what you do to make the operation successful. Listed below are the things to do before and after tooth extraction:
- Share Your Medical History
Tooth extraction is an invasive dental procedure that can cause infections or complications. Problems can happen when the dentist isn’t aware of the patient’s medical history. Therefore, you must share your health background with your dentist to help them provide proper assessment and treatment.
It would be best to inform them if you’re taking any medications. Your dentist might tell you to stop taking blood thinners if you have them. Blood thinners can increase your risk of bleeding and prolong your healing time. Furthermore, your dentist may adjust your medications to avoid any complications.
- Do Not Eat Before The Surgery
If you’re having anesthesia, you may be required to fast before your appointment. You can ask your dentist how many hours you should fast. Depending on your anesthesia, you can fast for eight to twelve hours. Fasting helps to prevent nausea before and after the procedure. During this period, you shouldn’t drink or eat anything.
It will help to inform your doctor if you have a medical condition that prevents you from fasting, like diabetes.
- Avoid Smoking Before And After The Extraction
Smoking is terrible for your health. It’s also best to avoid smoking before and after tooth extraction. Smoking can lead to dry mouth, which can delay your recovery and raise the possibility of infection. You can look for healthy alternatives to curb your cravings, like chewing on carrot or cucumber sticks, pickles, and apples. A sugar-free lollipop may also keep you distracted from getting a cigarette.
- Arrange For Transportation
It may be challenging to drive yourself back home after your tooth extraction. The pain may still be intense, or you might not feel yourself if you had sedation. To safely bring yourself home, you must arrange transportation before and after your surgery.
You can ask a family or friend to accompany you to your appointment. They can wait until your surgery’s over or pick you up at a specific time. You can hail a cab or book a ride-sharing service if everyone’s busy. It’s best to set up your phone for wireless payment after downloading the app for added convenience.
- Buy Medicines In Advance
After tooth extraction, your dentist will prescribe medicines to speed up your recovery. It might include some antibiotics and painkillers. They can help manage pain and prevent infections from developing.
However, it may be hard for you to buy your medicines after your surgery. The last thing you want is to go out when you should be resting. If it’s a simple tooth extraction, you may ask your doctor what you’ll need after the procedure, such as Ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain medications. But if you’re having a complicated dental surgery, you can ask your doctor to prescribe you medications beforehand so you can purchase them before your tooth extraction.
- Prepare Aftercare Kit
Along with your medicines, you’ll also need to do some aftercare to keep yourself comfortable. Your dentist will recommend you apply a cold compress on the side of your surgical site. It’ll help to numb the pain and prevent bleeding.
It’s best to prepare a cold compress before your surgery. That way, you can immediately use them when you arrive home. You don’t have to worry about how you’ll set up your pack, as everything’s ready to use. If you’re taking some days off, you can prepare the things that’ll help to keep you busy. You can list movies to watch or prepare some books to keep you entertained during recovery.
- Shop For Groceries
There are certain foods you cannot eat right after your tooth extraction. Avoiding certain meals allows for a speedy recovery and prevents any possible complications. For the first 24 hours, you can only eat soft foods and liquids. Soft foods allow for proper healing as they don’t pressure your gums.
The last thing you want after your surgery is to run errands. If you don’t have a supply of soft foods in your home, it’s best to buy groceries before your appointment. It would be best to buy buy soup, pudding, yogurt, and ice cream. The next day, you can have more textured food, such as scrambled egg scrambles, pancakes, oatmeal, and mashed potato. The gradual changes may help to bring you back to your regular diet soon. By preparing them beforehand, you can return home, and everything will be within reach.
- Dress Properly
You need to dress comfortably for the procedure. Depending on the complexity of the tooth extraction, the process may take 20 minutes to an hour. During those periods, you’ll be sitting still on the dental chair. It’s best to keep yourself comfortable during that time as you may not be able to move too much.
It’s best to wear short sleeves or a sleeveless top if you need an IV drip. The dental assistant will check for vital signs and blood pressure during the procedure. It’s best if they don’t have to roll up their sleeves and make everything easy and convenient.
Tooth extraction isn’t always a basic dental procedure; sometimes, it’s invasive and risky. You need to do plenty of preparations before and after your surgery. This simple to-do list helps you achieve a seamless and smooth recovery. You’ll be thankful that you have everything ready and let yourself focus on healing.