Dr Pradyot Saklani is a cardiologist based in Mandurah, WA. He has been practicing for over 15 years and is highly experienced in all aspects of cardiology. He has a special interest in preventive cardiology and has a strong focus on patient education. He is passionate about providing the highest standard of care to his patients and is committed to providing them with the best possible outcome. He is also actively involved in research and teaching, and is an active member of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.

“Dr Pradyot Saklani” Locations
About “Dr Pradyot Saklani”
Dr Pradyot Saklani is a cardiologist based in Mandurah, WA. He has been practicing for over 15 years and is highly experienced in all aspects of cardiology. He has a special interest in preventive cardiology and has a strong focus on patient education. He is passionate about providing the highest standard of care to his patients and is committed to providing them with the best possible outcome. He is also actively involved in research and teaching, and is an active member of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.
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