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“Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy” Locations

Dr. Hatem Aesthetics Dr. Hatem Aesthetics

Dr. Hatem Aesthetics

  • 33 Remora Road, Hamilton QLD, Australia

About “Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy”

Dr. Hatem Elfieshawy: Experienced in Aesthetic Surgery

Credentials: Registered with the Medical Board of Australia and AHPRA (MED0001681725). Holds a Master of Surgery (MScSurg) and is a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS).

Professional Background: Dr. Hatem has over two decades of surgical experience and specialized training in various surgical fields. He has worked as a surgical registrar for Queensland Health and has undergone advanced cosmetic surgical training through the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (ACCSM).

Areas of Practice: Dr. Hatem’s practice includes a range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. He is experienced in facial surgeries, breast surgeries, and body contouring. It should be noted that results can vary due to various factors such as individual anatomy and healing response.

Innovation: Dr. Hatem has an interest in healthcare technology and has been involved in AI-driven medical startups aimed at improving healthcare access.

For a consultation, please contact us. Note that consultations are essential for determining the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Offered Services

Cosmetic Surgery




  • Australian Medical Council
  • Medical Board of Australia

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