How To Choose The Right Cosmetic Procedures For You
Cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly high-value investment for millions of patients across Australia. However, whether you’re looking to secure a surgical procedure for cosmetic or clinical purposes, it can naturally be daunting to look into the treatments that are available for you.
Thankfully, there is a growing amount of information and resources available for prospective patients today. For instance, information-rich websites like the Better Health Channel and even Doctor To You can provide you with answers to many of the questions you may have surrounding the procedures you’re interested in.
And what if you’re past the research stage? In that case, you could use a cosmetic consultant service to save you a lot of time when it comes to finding your ideal surgeon and scheduling a preliminary consultation with them.
For those of you who are still considering which cosmetic procedure is the right fit for you, however, you’re very much in the right place. Today, we’ll be outlining all the top questions you should also ask yourself when selecting the right cosmetic procedure for you.
Why do you want a cosmetic treatment?
There are a variety of reasons that drive people of all ages to look into plastic surgery. So the first thing that any prospective patient should ask themselves is whether they’re looking to undergo procedures for reconstructive or clinical purposes (i.e. to correct or alleviate a medical condition), or for cosmetic reasons. Regardless of the reason, body altering procedures are a choice that only you can make after consultation with relevant clinicians.
As of July 2023, some cosmetic surgeries in Australia require a referral from a GP or medical specialist. This is required for the more invasive treatments, including liposuction and face lifts. Non-surgical treatments do not need a referral.
Reconstructive/medical purposes
Cosmetic procedures for reconstructive purposes are generally medically motivated. Some conditions that have been present from birth, such as a cleft palate or hemangioma, are often rectified at a young age but others are left until the individual reaches adulthood and can decide for themself. These procedures include pinning back protruding ears, lightening dark birthmarks with laser treatment, and correcting minor jaw abnormalities.
For most reconstructive or medically motivated surgeries, if your surgeon or clinician can provide documentation on your behalf that the procedure is for clinical purposes, then you may be able to receive a Medicare rebate to cover some of the costs of that procedure.
Cosmetic purposes
The ageing process is not kind to our bodies and for those who wish their wrinkles away, botox injections can plump out wrinkles and facelift surgeries can defy gravity (and time!). If you have pigmentation, shallow burn scars or tattoos you regret, never fear, dermal treatments are also valuable for removing or reducing the appearance of blemishes and discoloration of the skin – another common occurrence with ageing skin.
Whether you want treatment to improve your confidence or self-satisfaction, or you just want to refresh your look, cosmetic procedures can help. The three areas of the body that are most commonly targeted in cosmetic procedures are the face, torso and skin, but there are treatments available for thighs, bums, arms, necks and virtually everywhere in between. You may even opt to undergo a blepharoplasty, which is eyelid surgery! Blepharoplasties are actually very useful for correcting saggy or drooping eyelid skin which may even impede on a patient’s vision as they age. For this reason, this particular cosmetic treatment can actually be covered by Medicare! But once again, Medicare rebates are only available for patients who have documentation that confirms they’re securing a plastic surgery for clinical or medical purposes, not for purely cosmetic purposes.
Invasive vs. non-invasive
Almost every area of your body can be cosmetically altered, whether it be abdominoplasty after significant weight loss or rhinoplasty to rectify an old broken nose injury. Something to consider though, is the invasiveness of the treatment.
Minimally invasive procedures are non-surgical and can often take a matter of minutes. They usually require only topical anaesthetics and include treatments like dermal fillers injected under the skin, and dermabrasion/dermaplaning. You will still go through the usual consultation process, but the recovery time is quick, results are generally seen instantly, and for most people the worst side effect is slight bruising and a faint needle prick.
Surgical cosmetic procedures require local or general anaesthetic and may take a few hours. Recovery time can be weeks to months which is important to consider if you are working or studying and need to take time off to recover. Patients often have bruising and swelling, particularly after treatments around the face, such as brow lifts and rhinoplasty.
The more invasive a procedure is, the greater the risk of side effects and complications. Pain and discomfort follow most surgical treatments, which may last months, depending on the sensitivity of the area.
At your initial consultation, your surgeon will inform you of side-effects, risks and recovery times, and you can always ask for more information if you still have questions.
Length of treatment
Before deciding whether a treatment is right for you, consider the frequency of the procedure. The benefit of temporary treatments (like dermal fillers) is that procedure and recovery times are short. The downside is that you will have to receive treatment regularly to maintain the desired effect.
Contrastingly, the results of surgical treatments like rhinoplasties are considered to be permanent. The drawback to these permanent results, however, is that the risks of surgery are generally greater than the risks associated with filler treatments. Ultimately, it’s up to individual parents and their trusted healthcare professionals to decide whether surgery is the right decision for you and your unique care needs.
Prices vary wildly between procedures and clinicians but, in Australia, procedures can cost as little as $200 for botox injections in a small area of the face, to in excess of $20,000 for a nose job. Some procedures for medical purposes may be subsidised by Medicare and, if you have private health insurance, check with your insurer to see if they cover any treatments.
It can be easy to get carried away in the excitement and nerves of committing to a procedure and you might find yourself in a financially precarious position. Set an absolute upper limit before beginning your search, it may take awhile to find what you need within your budget.
One of the major benefits of using a cosmetic consulting service is that you can provide them with your budget and they can do the tedious jobs for you!
Cosmetic treatments are available for any adult seeking a change, regardless of the reason behind it. If it is something you are interested in, consider the information in this article so that you can make the best choice for your body.