
Best Hepatologist in Brisbane

Dr Mahesh Jayanna


Dr Mahesh Jayanna provides services in General Gastroenterology and Hepatology and he has special interest
in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Therapeutic Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Oncology and Functional Gut Diseases.

Dr Alicia Braund


Dr Alicia Braund is a Specialist Physician in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. After graduating from

Griffith University, Dr Braund completed her Fellowship at the Gold Coast University Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospitals.

Dr Richard Skoien


Dr Richard Skoien became a full-time medical practitioner after completing degrees in Arts, Law and

Science at The University of Queensland. He graduated from Medical School in 2001 and trained in Queensland (principally at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital) before undertaking specialist training in Gastroenterology and Hepatology between 2007-2009. He undertook a PhD at the Princess Alexandra Hospital under the mentorship of Prof Elizabeth Powell, Assoc Prof Julie Jonsson and Assoc Prof Andrew Clouston in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Dr Neville Sandford


Dr Neville Sandford is a Gastroenterologist with a special interest in endoscopy, colonoscopy, epatology

and hepatitis and has been practicing at the Wesley since 1986. Dr Sandford completed his Bachelor of Medicine from the university of Queensland then completed his Residency and Physician training at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Dr Sandford completed a Hepatology Fellowship at the University of Southern California and the los Angeles County Medical Centre.

Dr Simone Kaye


Dr Simone Kaye is an Australian trained Gastroenterology and Hepatology Specialist with extensive experience

in the field. Simone’s undergraduate training was in South Australia and Gastroenterology and Hepatology training was in South Australia, Western Australia and as an advanced Fellow in Hepatology in the United Kingdom.

If you find yourself to be in a situation where finding the best Brisbane Hepatologist this. Below is a list of the top Hepatologist in Brisbane. To help you find the best Hepatologist Brisbane located near to you, we put together our own Brisbane Hepatologist list based on patient reviews.

What is hepatology?

Hepatology is a branch of gastroenterology . The function of the liver cannot be viewed in isolation. It is an important factor for the healthy functioning of the digestive organs and the entire metabolism. Gastroenterology deals with the digestive system from the stomach through the liver and gall bladder to the individual intestinal sections.

The hepatology department takes care of the physiology of the liver and the diagnosis and treatment of malformations and diseases of the liver, bile and biliary tract. The liver is the largest metabolic organ. It has to produce the body’s own proteins from foreign proteins . It produces the bile and other enzymes and messenger substances for the digestive process. It utilizes food components, stores vitamins and detoxifies the organism. The liver has a particularly strong ability to regenerate.

The digestive gland in an adult weighs about 1,500 grams. The structure of the liver is anatomically made up of four different liver lobes and functionally of eight different liver segments. The structure of the liver tissue shows up with many liver lobes. These are the actual functional tissue for controlling the glucose, fat and protein metabolism. The cells in the liver are called hepatocytes. The digestive gland also contains the intrahepatic bile ducts that direct the bile into the gall bladder . In addition, the liver tissue is interspersed with periportal fields, which consist of connective tissue . Important blood vessels run within the structure of the liver.

Which diseases are treated by hepatologists / specialists in hepatology?

Liver disease is also known as hepatopathy. A hepatologist treats diseases that affect the liver or the bile duct system . If you have liver disease, it can be

an infectious liver disease such as viral hepatitis or a liver abscess, a toxic liver disease (e.g. alcohol-toxic liver disease and medicinal liver disease) or to treat benign and malignant tumors such as liver cancer , liver metastases or gallbladder cancer Liver cancer is divided into hepatocellular carcinoma and bile duct carcinoma , depending on the origin of the tumor cells . Liver metastases are daughter growths of a tumor that grows elsewhere in the body. Alcohol abuse and viral hepatitis can cause cirrhosis of the liver . Typical gallbladder and biliary tract diseases that the liver specialist / hepatologist treats are Gallstones (choledocholithiasis, cholecystolithiasis), Inflammations such as cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder ), inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis) and Biliary disorders.

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