
Best General practitioner in Kyneton

Campaspe Family Practice

General practitioner

Campaspe Family Practice is a general practitioner located in KynetonVictoria. The practice provides
a range of health servicesincluding general medical carechronic disease managementmental healthwomen™s healthand travel medicine. The practice also offers on-site pathologyphysiotherapypodiatryand dietetics services. The practice is staffed by experienced doctors and nursesand is open six days a week.

Dr Augusta Lau

General practitioner

Medical CentreHello Dr. Lau,I am writing to inquire about your services as a general practitioner at

the Kyneton Medical Centre. I am interested in learning more about the services you provide and what I can expect when I visit your practice.I am also interested in learning more about the fees associated with your servicesand any payment options that are available.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you for your time.

Garvey Dr Justine

General practitioner

The closest General Practitioner

to Garvey DriveJustineis located in Kyneton.

Perlesz Annamarie Dr

General practitioner

Perlesz Annamarie Dr is a General Practitioner located in KynetonVictoria. They offer a range of general

medical servicesincluding diagnosis and treatment of illnessesinjuriesand other health conditions. They also provide preventive caresuch as immunizations and health screenings.

Stobie Dr. Tim

General practitioner

Dr. Tim Stobie is a general practitioner located in KynetonVictoria. He has been practicing medicine

for over 20 years and specializes in family medicineincluding preventative health carechronic disease managementand mental health. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and a member of the Australian Medical Association. He is also a member of the Australian Men™s Health Forum. Dr. Stobie is an experienced and highly qualified doctor who is committed to providing quality healthcare to his patients.

If you find yourself to be in a situation where finding the best Kyneton General practitioner this. Below is a list of the top General practitioner in Kyneton. To help you find the best General practitioner Kyneton located near to you, we put together our own Kyneton General practitioner list based on patient reviews.

What is General Practitioner?

The term general practitioner describes the extensive area of responsibility of the general practitioner very aptly. Patients see the specialist in general medicine as the first and primary point of contact for all illnesses and questions about health. Who does not know it? As soon as you feel sick or need medical advicethe first thing you should do is go to your family doctor. The

primary doctor principle even provides that you always visit your family doctor first before you visit a specialist.

As part of the consultation with the doctorthe so-called anamnesis the general practitioner asks about the patient’s state of health. The general practitioner often treats and cares for patients he has known for a long timeoften even through families over several generations. In addition to the necessary professional competencethis gives him a special role as a confidant. In many casesthis also makes diagnosis easier for the family doctor.

In addition to treating illnessesthe general practitioner specializes in preventive caresuch as vaccinations and nutritional advice. In additionhe accompanies patients in their rehabilitation phase after hospital treatment or serious illness.

In the case of special illnesses that require specialist knowledge in a certain areathe general practitioner refers his patients to the relevant specialist for further treatment or differential diagnosis. The general practitioner is also responsible for collating all of a patient’s medically important data and works closely with all facilities and institutions that are important for the patient’s health.

What does a general practitioner do?

An examination by the family doctor always begins with the so-called anamnesis. The general practitioner asks the person concerned in detail about their health problems. If the patient is already knownhe arranges the information in the medical context or his individual medical history.

The general practitioner also uses the following examination methods: Physical examination Blood pressure measurement Pulse measurement Blood test Electrocardiogram (EKG) Pulmonary function test Ultrasound examination (sonography) Doppler sonographs Infusion and transfusion therapy Medical checkups

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