Best Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Brisbane

Dr Kate Kerridge
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Dr Amy Tang
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Queensland with complex Gynaecological concerns, Gynaecological Cancers, and Pre-malignant Gynaecological conditions. As a female gynaecologist and gynecologist oncologist brisbane, Dr Amy Tang is sympathetic to the needs of women. She understands that a referral to see a sub-specialist Gynaecologist can be a daunting experience, and will do everything she can to make the experience easier for her patients.

Dr Melissa Buttini
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
pre-cancerous cervical disease and laparoscopic surgery and has been practicing at The Wesley Hospital since 2000.

Dr Len Yared
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
and has a practice located in Greenslopes.

Dr Alex Alexander
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
range of experience in all areas of general practice. He has a warm and friendly manner and genuinely wants to help people lead happier and healthier lives.

Dr. Gino Pecoraro
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
He has a special interest in high risk obstetrics, especially thrombophilia and autoimmune disease. He also has an interest in laparoscopic and vaginal surgery, endometriosis and menopause.

Dr Devini Ameratunga
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Mater Private and Wesley Hospitals, and City Fertility. Her rooms are located at Wickham Terrace and she is dedicated to the provision of high quality, individualised care in all areas of gynaecology, male and female fertility and minimally-invasive surgery. She is a staff Specialist at gynecologist mater hospital brisbane, and a Senior Lecturer at The University of QLD Medical School.

Dr Min Kho
Obstetrician and Gynecologist

Dr Nam Bajra
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Victoria and Tasmania. Since completing her Specialist Training in 2008, Dr Bajra worked as a Staff Specialist at Mater Mothers Hospital before establishing her private practice in 2010. Dr Bajra is a Fellow of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and a Member of the Australian Medical Association.

Dr Megan Castner
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
on the Gold Coast. After spending time working in the UK, she returned to Queensland for her specialist training. Megan spent time at the Gold Coast, Nambour, RBWH and Townsville Hospitals before returning to the Mater Mothers’ Hospital. She received her Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 2012.
What is a gynecologist?
A gynecologist іѕ a ѕurgеоn whо ѕресіаlіzеѕ іn thе female rерrоduсtіvе system, which includes the сеrvіx, fаllоріаn tubеѕ, оvаrіеѕ, utеruѕ, vаgіnа аnd vulvа. Mеnѕtruаl problems, соntrасерtіоn, sexuality, mеnораuѕе and іnfеrtіlіtу іѕѕuеѕ аrе dіаgnоѕеd аnd treated by a gynecologist; mоѕt gуnесоlоgіѕtѕ аlѕо рrоvіdе prenatal саrе, аnd ѕоmе provide primary саrе.
Most gynecologists are аlѕо obstetricians. An obstetrician is a specialist іn the management оf рrеgnаnсу, labor, аnd thе tіmе immediately following сhіldbіrth known аѕ рuеrреrіum. An оbѕtеtrісіаn/gуnесоlоgіѕt, also known аѕ аn OB/GYN, соvеrѕ areas rаngіng from рrеvеntіvе саrе tо detection оf ѕеxuаllу trаnѕmіttеd dіѕеаѕеѕ tо fаmіlу рlаnnіng. They mау аlѕо be іnvоlvеd іn аdоlеѕсеnt gуnесоlоgу and еndосrіnоlоgу or dеаl with bеhаvіоrаl рrоblеmѕ аmоng уоung wоmеn.
Thе fоur ѕubѕресіаltіеѕ fоr аn OB/GYN are gynecologic oncology, mаtеrnаl/fеtаl mеdісіnе, reproductive еndосrіnоlоgу аnd infertility, аnd urogynecology/reconstructive реlvіс ѕurgеrу.
- Allergist (5)
- Anesthesiology (2)
- Cardiologist (288)
- Cosmetic Surgeon (79)
- Dentist (261)
- Dermatologist (48)
- Dermatology (150)
- Endocrinologist (22)
- ENT Specialist (239)
- Family Physicians (1)
- Gastroenterology (121)
- General Practitioner (226)
- General surgeon (37)
- Hepatologist (2)
- Immunologist (4)
- Medical Contributors (259)
- Medical Expenses (2)
- Nephrologist (46)
- Neurosurgeon (91)
- Obstetrician and Gynecologist (18)
- Oncologist (99)
- Ophthalmologist (30)
- Orthopaedic surgeon (87)
- Osteopath (64)
- Otolaryngologist (6)
- Paediatric surgeon (7)
- Paediatrician (5)
- Pathologist (64)
- Plastic Surgeon (285)
- Podiatrist (295)
- Psychiatrist (23)
- Radiologist (17)
- Rheumatologist (7)
- Uncategorized (19)
- Urologist (102)
- Vascular surgeon (6)