Best Pathologist in Cranbourne

Dr Moammar Alshimirti
Dr David Deam
1985 following postgraduate training in Biochemistry at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. After several posts in Chemical Pathology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital, he was appointed Head of Chemical Pathology at the Royal Melbourne in 1996. He joined Gribbles Pathology (now Australian Clinical Labs) in 1998.

Dr Gregory Imhagwe
Surgery in 1999. He completed his internship at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital and then worked as a medical officer in surgery at the National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria. Gregory moved to the UK in early 2004, working in a number of medical roles in tertiary hospitals, including Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, before moving to Australia in 2007 to begin work at the Royal Hobart Hospital in Tasmania. In 2008 he began his registrar training in Anatomical Pathology with Pathology Queensland. Gregory joined Dorevitch Pathology at the Gippsland Pathology Service laboratory in early 2012, where he finished his registrar training.

Dr Richard A. Juska
with covering the regional laboratories when required. After graduating from The University of Melbourne in 1981, Dr Juska undertook three years of clinical training at the Austin and Repatriation General Hospitals in Heidelberg and spent one year at the Academy for General Practice in Bendigo. Dr Juska then trained in General Pathology rotating through St Vincent’s, the Alfred, the Austin and Western General Hospitals as well as spending three months at the Wangaratta Base Hospital as Histopathology Registrar.

Prof. Anthony Landgren
oversees pathology specialist training, diagnostic performance management, laboratory accreditation and quality assurance. He is a graduate in Medicine and Law from the University of Melbourne. He trained in Anatomical and Forensic Pathology in Victoria and was admitted to Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in 1990.

Dr Joel Pinczewski
States where he completed his postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health. Dr Pinczewski subsequently completed medical school at the Saba University School of Medicine and a residency in Anatomical and Clinical Pathology at the University of Maryland. He then completed a dermatopathology fellowship at the University of Virginia where he trained with two of the leading dermatopathologists in the United States.

Dr Gabriel Scripcaru
After graduation he commenced training in neurosurgery working in Cluj, Romania and Newcastle, England. He subsequently became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh upon completion of the required examinations. GabrielÂ’s clinical experience prior to anatomical pathology also included working in emergency medicine, intensive care and surgery both in Australia and Scotland.
What is pathology?
Pathology as a medical-diagnostic specialty (specialist training) is traditionally operated in the form of a pathobiology for methodological reasons . It deals mainly with the morphologically detectable pathological changes in the body. As such, it consists in a scientific and body-related disease research and pathology . Routine pathological and autopsy diagnostics are primarily based on the assessment of the macroscopic (pathological anatomy ) and light microscopic aspects (histopathology, cytology) of tissues, as well as in the course of scientific and technical progress increasingly with the inclusion of biochemical and molecular biological methods (e.g. detection of changed enzyme activities or changed protein expression with e.g. immunofluorescence or immunohistochemistry ). In research also plays electron microscopy (ultrastructural pathology) a role.
Naturally, procedures and processes that can only be observed or measured in living things (organ function, subjective complaints of the patient, functional complaints without a tangible organic correlate) elude the pathologist. Then the questions of the clinically active doctor to the pathologist are directed.
According to the introductory definition and in a broader sense, the term pathology or the prefix is used throughout medicine for pathological or abnormal findings and processes, for example one speaks of a pathological or of psychopathology as the doctrine of the pathological changes in the soul.
What do pathologists really do?
The corpse is already in pathology A permanent mistake by crime writers!Murder victims, for example, belong in forensic medicine or forensic medicine, not in. Not only do many scriptwriters not know this, but also a large part of the population: Only forensic medicine or forensic medicine doctors are involved in solving unnatural deaths.
Today the pathologist works mainly at the microscope , under which he examines sections from diseased tissues. As the dissection activity of the pathologist has decreased, his diagnostic clinical work for patients has come to the fore and now constitutes at least 95% of his work. As a so-called cross-sectional discipline, pathology is a central, clinically-oriented subject. As a specialist, the pathologist works closely with clinicians or doctors in private practice in order to discover diseases at an early stage (prophylaxis), to recognize them when they break out (diagnostics) and to monitor their progress during therapy.
The main tasks are
the macroscopic and microscopic findings of surgical specimens (resected specimens) or of small pieces of tissue that are removed as part of reflections (biopsies)
the microscopic patterning of cells and cell aggregates from body fluids or surfaces on cancer cells or their precursors ( cytologies ).
intraoperative rapid section diagnostics and
the clinical autopsy to clarify clinically unclear diseases and the success failure of a treatment.
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