Dr Bert Pruim is a dermatologist based in Gympie, Australia. He has been practicing in the area since 1999 and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. He is an experienced and highly skilled doctor who is dedicated to providing quality care to his patients. He offers a range of services, including skin cancer screenings, skin biopsies, acne treatments, and laser treatments. He also provides advice on skin care and nutrition.

“Dr Bert Pruim” Locations
About “Dr Bert Pruim”
Dr Bert Pruim is a dermatologist based in Gympie, Australia. He has been practicing in the area since 1999 and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. He is an experienced and highly skilled doctor who is dedicated to providing quality care to his patients. He offers a range of services, including skin cancer screenings, skin biopsies, acne treatments, and laser treatments. He also provides advice on skin care and nutrition.
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