Dr Safi Albekaa is an ENT Specialist based in Canberra. He has been practicing for over 30 years and is an experienced and highly qualified doctor. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose and throat conditions, including hearing loss, sinus and allergy problems, voice disorders, and head and neck tumours. He also provides comprehensive care for patients with chronic ear, nose and throat problems. He is committed to providing the best care possible and strives to ensure that his patients are comfortable and receive the best possible outcomes.

“Dr Safi Albekaa” Locations
About “Dr Safi Albekaa”
Dr Safi Albekaa is an ENT Specialist based in Canberra. He has been practicing for over 30 years and is an experienced and highly qualified doctor. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose and throat conditions, including hearing loss, sinus and allergy problems, voice disorders, and head and neck tumours. He also provides comprehensive care for patients with chronic ear, nose and throat problems. He is committed to providing the best care possible and strives to ensure that his patients are comfortable and receive the best possible outcomes.
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