Dr Tharani Kamalasuriya is a dentist based in Newcastle. She has been practicing dentistry for over 10 years and has extensive experience in all aspects of general dentistry. She is passionate about providing her patients with the highest quality of care and strives to provide a comfortable and relaxed environment for her patients. She is committed to staying up to date with the latest in dental technology and treatments to ensure her patients receive the best possible care.

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About “Dr Tharani Kamalasuriya”
Dr Tharani Kamalasuriya is a dentist based in Newcastle. She has been practicing dentistry for over 10 years and has extensive experience in all aspects of general dentistry. She is passionate about providing her patients with the highest quality of care and strives to provide a comfortable and relaxed environment for her patients. She is committed to staying up to date with the latest in dental technology and treatments to ensure her patients receive the best possible care.
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