Dr Ulla Jonsson is a psychiatrist based in Perth. She has been practicing psychiatry for over 25 years and specializes in the treatment of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and addiction. She is an experienced clinician who provides evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and medication management. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

“Dr Ulla Jonsson” Locations
About “Dr Ulla Jonsson”
Dr Ulla Jonsson is a psychiatrist based in Perth. She has been practicing psychiatry for over 25 years and specializes in the treatment of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and addiction. She is an experienced clinician who provides evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and medication management. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.
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