Dr. Whitney Smith is a podiatrist based in Katanning, Western Australia. She has been practicing podiatry for over 10 years and specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of foot and ankle disorders. She provides a range of services including biomechanical assessments, custom orthotics, nail care, and diabetic foot care. She also provides advice on footwear and exercise to help improve foot health and reduce pain. She is passionate about helping her patients to achieve their best foot health and mobility.

“Whitney Smith” Locations
About “Whitney Smith”
Dr. Whitney Smith is a podiatrist based in Katanning, Western Australia. She has been practicing podiatry for over 10 years and specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of foot and ankle disorders. She provides a range of services including biomechanical assessments, custom orthotics, nail care, and diabetic foot care. She also provides advice on footwear and exercise to help improve foot health and reduce pain. She is passionate about helping her patients to achieve their best foot health and mobility.
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